My experience in the English course

My experience in the English course has been regular, because it is very difficult for me to learn this language.
At school I studied English only in sixth primary, because I was studying French, until the fourth year of secondary education.
when I left school I went to the University of Chile, to study Language degree with a major in Hispanic Literature. At that time I studied Latin and French.
At that time there was no sizing the importance of English language study, especially that we are experiencing a technological, global, networks, where English becomes a very important role in the communications field.
Anyway most of my family except my mother and my father died and they know English. My older sister went to America with her husband to pursue a Ph.D., two of his three children were born there (lived over 8 years in Columbus, Ohio). I have another brother that labor issues had to learn English and their children are in schools in England, and another brother lived in Zueva Zealand, so we also speak English. Only I am the rare, preferring the languages of Latin origin.
Well, I think I chose the French by my passion for literature, theater, music and French cinema, as my parents have since had that little admiration for French culture, perhaps in another life I was French.
However, I think it was wrong of me not to have studied English since childhood, because now I have trouble learning it, but I also think it was a mistake from my parents encouraged me to study the language.
But hey, never too late to learn, they say, because I confensar that I love English, and I suffer secretly because they can not read some English-language authors and have to make do with translations.
It would be very happy to read Dylan Thomas, Emily Dickinson, Ck. Chesterton, Poe, Bukowski, and many others. Or to watch movies in English without having to read subtitles, because that would decentralize a little, or not be without my brothers understand anything when they start talking in English, I do not like at all, because sometimes I think they're saying something bad about me or are being, and can not understand, though several times they did, then apologized to me.
I am a little sad, because I have enough time to study English, and I think to do well and learn really need more time and dedication. I like the methodology of the course, blogs are very entertaining, but I cost a lot of oral exams.
I hope someday to have a good command of language!!!!

The music in my life

The music in my life
Hello, I like the music, I love the music… since early childhood I have felt a great passion for it. When I was in school I participated in singing competitions. When he was 13, I joined the choir in my community. When I was 21 I formed a punk band, with my boyfriend, my friends and Florcita Motuda´s daughter, she is genial, her name is Olivia, She studied composition at the University of Chile, also she teaches guitar to children, she is the teacher of my son Simón. My son loves the music, well, his mother and his father too. I love knowing how to play cello, but is very difficult.
I would also like to share my musical interests. My favorite bands are: SONIC YOUTH (,In March I attended his first concert in Chile, I was very happy), PIXIES, BLONDEREDHEAD, TRYO, CHICO BUARQUE, DEBUSSY, STEREOLAB, VELVET UNDERGROUND, THE CLASH, SEX PISTOLLS, THE SPECIALS…I love punk music, also noise and post punk. I Had the complete collection of SONIC YOUTH, but some burglars broke into my house, and they stole my collection, my personal cd player, my radio, and all my discs. I cried a lot, the police never found the thieves, never recovered my things, typical in Chile.

Ahhh, I also really like the music of Argentina, for example: Spinetta; I love Spinetta, Zumo, and The Cadillacs. Spinetta my favorite song is “May the wind wiped your hands” and “Captain Joe Ring”. Zumo my favorite son is heroin; is a great song.
I also like classical music, for example: The Firebird of Stravinski, La Boheme of Puccini, 1812 of Tchaikovsky (this piece of classical music was the favourite of my father) and bossanova. Well, that’s all and I hope you liked my site.

Kisses and regards

Article from the Guardian

Article from the Guardian
Author: Alison Flood Thursday 15 October 2009
Don't close the book on bedtime stories
Children are being read to less by parents and starting school with poor speech skills. The news that he chose to speak of the importance of reading stories to children before bedtime, or before bed. The author recalls the following passage that his parents ever read when I was little:
“Once there was a little girl called Sophie and she was having tea with her mummy in the kitchen. Suddenly there was a ring at the door ... Sophie opened the door, and there was a big, furry, stripy tiger. The tiger said, 'Excuse me, but I'm very hungry. Do you think I could have tea with you?'”

The author tells of the importance of reading children's literature to develop our skills of expression and creativity, of imagination. He also recounts his adventures with children's stories and gives the names and characteristics of them, for example:

“I've just remembered another favourite bedtime tale: Judith Kerr again, with Mog in the Dark, featuring the unforgettable mouse/dog/bird – I can still see the pictures. And, what's more, it finishes peacefully and cosily, with Mog back inside and having her supper; perfect for calming down fractious children. I'd love to hear your own memories of favourite bedtime stories, but top the mouse/dog/bird if you dare.”

In short, it is increasingly difficult to see parents who read fairy tales to their children when going to bed, parents prefer to turn on the television, they do not have time to read a story to their children, also get very tired of their house and just want to sleep, rest, today is little quality time spent with children.

You can find the full story in:


William S. Burroughs

I must confess that I am a cinephile, I love the film, which is why I took a course called "The Cinema as Art."
I always go to the cinema, the latest film was “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, I try to go whenever I can. Sometimes renting movies at Blockbuster, and I love cable TV.
In November I will go to the premiere of “New Moon”, the sequel to “Twilight”.
I have many favorite movies, but I especially like the American independent cinema, I like Gust Van Sant with his film “Drugstore Cowboys”, “A realistic road movie about a drug addict, his 'family', and their inevitable decline into crime”, with Matt Dillon, Kelly Lynch, and and one of my favorite writers of black American novel: William S. Burroughs, which comes at the end of film, where she plays an old drug addict (yonkees), something not far removed from reality because he was of the Generation Beat of United States, and characterized by eating a lot of drugs.

Another of my favorite movies is "All the Mornings of the World" by Alain Corneau. It is a French film tells the story of the most important viola teacher of all time and its relationship with a student in the court of Louis XIV of France. It's a beautiful film with a superb soundtrack, the same applies to photography, I've seen like 7 times.

Other of my favorite movies are: My private world, Eternal Blood (from Chilean filmmaker Jorge Olguin), The Harry Potter series, Count me in, In Cold Blood, Dancer in the Dark, Black Orpheus, The Night of the Pencils, Blue Velvet by David Lynch and
and Wild at Heart, the same director

Well, and an endless list of other movies.


You know the city of Santiago de Chile?

You know the city of Santiago de Chile?

I was born in Santiago and have lived all my life in Santiago. Only once lived in the city of Talca, southern Chile, but I lasted 6 months because it was a very boring city. I have lived in several communes, but as much time in the Providencia, because it is a quiet, clean, with good transport links and close to everything.

I think I know quite well the city of Santiago. Is a large city with a nice range of background. Santiago has many good places to learn, for example:

MERCADO CENTRAL: If you want to eat Chilean food, must go to central market, is a typical old district of Santiago. you take the subway and get off at station "Cal y Canto", It is a very folkloric and popular in our culture. selling fruit and vegetables also typical of our country. It is very cheap, prices are very good.

LA CHASCONA: Is the home of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, is very pretty and is on the shores of San Cristobal, It is located in the Bellavista area, where there are many bars to have a good beer. The cost of entry to the house museum is a low, plus you can buy postcards and souvenirs.

PATIO BELLAVISTA: After visiting the museum house of the poet Pablo Neruda, you can go to buy Chile's traditional crafts at "Patio Bellavista", there are also food restaurants Chilean, Peruvian, Italian, etc.. The trouble is that it is very expensive. Well maybe for me because I am a student and I not have much money.

Other places to visit and enjoy are: The Museum of Contemporary Art, the Fine Arts, both located in downtown Santiago, metro "Fine Arts". The "Barrio Lastarria" is close to museums and has good cafes to eat ice cream and rich cakes. I recommend it coffee "The Emporium of the Rose" is very good.

Good luck!!!!!


My Favorite TV Series

My Favorite TV Series

It is very difficult to say which is my favorite TV series, because I like many series !!!!, I will start with the Chilean series. Right now I'm watching “Where's Elisa?”, Is a series that has the whole night seeing Chile, is given Monday through Thursday, at 22.00 hours on Televition National of Chile (TVN), is very good.

I do not like Chilean realities, However I am addicted to reality shows that are on cable television, for example in the canal People + Arts see: “So you think you can dance”, is a dance competition where viewers and a panel of judges evaluated the participants, the series is given on Monday and Tuesday at 22.00 (23.00 Chilean time).
Another series that occur in the same channel is “Miami Inc”, is a show about a tattoo studio, this is one of my favorites, because I really like tattoos, I have a big one on my back and one on my left arm.

See also exist in many series on MTV, is a cable channel:

1.”Skins”: “Skins follows a diverse group of Bristol 17 years and their hedonistic lives. Each episode does focus on one of these teens at a time. This will show your different profiles: the gay guys, the anorexic girl, the spoiled, etc.., Etc. And so he sees confronting the frustrations of being about to enter the world of adulthood, but lejor still there. The group leader is Tony Stoneman (played by Nicholas Hoult, the same as "About A Boy", but now he looks much more grown-up), a quite rude and narcissistic young reader of Nietzsche and Sastre, who uses her charisma and intellect to try to dominate everything around them and, basically, to be always good standing at the various situations that arise. They are 9 episodes.” (

2. “Scream Queens”: Are 10 women competing for a role in a horror movie, is very funny.

Well, I have more favorite series, but I think I've become addicted to television and that's bad, I changed literature by TV series, is crazy!!!!!


The country I would like to visit

The Country I'd like to meet

I'd like to know many countries, I love to travel and experience other cultures and people, unfortunately I could not travel much, I've only been able to travel to Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.

But the country I would most like to know is France, the truth is that I would like to study there, do a postgraduate degree in education or literature. My friends who have studied beyond me that are a beautiful country.

There are very good universities, but my friends recommended me to study in the province, such as Angers, Toulouse, or another city, but never in Paris, because it is a cosmopolitan city, very expensive and somewhat cold to live alone, without friends and family, plus the provincial universities are very good and foreigners are treated better than in the capital, well that's what I tell me my friends and friends who have studied there.

Also, I love French music, such as Stereolab, Tryo, Les Negresses Vertes, and Edith Piaf. There are also many French writers that I really like: Antonin Artaud, Verlaine, Baudelaire, Alfred Jarry, Arthur Rimbaud, and many more.

Another interesting thing is the cinema of France: “Every morning of the world” (Tous les matins du monde”, the Alain Corneau.

J'aime la culture française!!!!( I like French culture)
