The country I would like to visit

The Country I'd like to meet

I'd like to know many countries, I love to travel and experience other cultures and people, unfortunately I could not travel much, I've only been able to travel to Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.

But the country I would most like to know is France, the truth is that I would like to study there, do a postgraduate degree in education or literature. My friends who have studied beyond me that are a beautiful country.

There are very good universities, but my friends recommended me to study in the province, such as Angers, Toulouse, or another city, but never in Paris, because it is a cosmopolitan city, very expensive and somewhat cold to live alone, without friends and family, plus the provincial universities are very good and foreigners are treated better than in the capital, well that's what I tell me my friends and friends who have studied there.

Also, I love French music, such as Stereolab, Tryo, Les Negresses Vertes, and Edith Piaf. There are also many French writers that I really like: Antonin Artaud, Verlaine, Baudelaire, Alfred Jarry, Arthur Rimbaud, and many more.

Another interesting thing is the cinema of France: “Every morning of the world” (Tous les matins du monde”, the Alain Corneau.

J'aime la culture française!!!!( I like French culture)


1 comentario:

  1. You're still very young. I'm sure one day you'll visit Paris.
    I hope you get a scholarship to study there.
