
William S. Burroughs

I must confess that I am a cinephile, I love the film, which is why I took a course called "The Cinema as Art."
I always go to the cinema, the latest film was “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, I try to go whenever I can. Sometimes renting movies at Blockbuster, and I love cable TV.
In November I will go to the premiere of “New Moon”, the sequel to “Twilight”.
I have many favorite movies, but I especially like the American independent cinema, I like Gust Van Sant with his film “Drugstore Cowboys”, “A realistic road movie about a drug addict, his 'family', and their inevitable decline into crime”, with Matt Dillon, Kelly Lynch, and and one of my favorite writers of black American novel: William S. Burroughs, which comes at the end of film, where she plays an old drug addict (yonkees), something not far removed from reality because he was of the Generation Beat of United States, and characterized by eating a lot of drugs.

Another of my favorite movies is "All the Mornings of the World" by Alain Corneau. It is a French film tells the story of the most important viola teacher of all time and its relationship with a student in the court of Louis XIV of France. It's a beautiful film with a superb soundtrack, the same applies to photography, I've seen like 7 times.

Other of my favorite movies are: My private world, Eternal Blood (from Chilean filmmaker Jorge Olguin), The Harry Potter series, Count me in, In Cold Blood, Dancer in the Dark, Black Orpheus, The Night of the Pencils, Blue Velvet by David Lynch and
and Wild at Heart, the same director

Well, and an endless list of other movies.


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