My Favorite TV Series

My Favorite TV Series

It is very difficult to say which is my favorite TV series, because I like many series !!!!, I will start with the Chilean series. Right now I'm watching “Where's Elisa?”, Is a series that has the whole night seeing Chile, is given Monday through Thursday, at 22.00 hours on Televition National of Chile (TVN), is very good.

I do not like Chilean realities, However I am addicted to reality shows that are on cable television, for example in the canal People + Arts see: “So you think you can dance”, is a dance competition where viewers and a panel of judges evaluated the participants, the series is given on Monday and Tuesday at 22.00 (23.00 Chilean time).
Another series that occur in the same channel is “Miami Inc”, is a show about a tattoo studio, this is one of my favorites, because I really like tattoos, I have a big one on my back and one on my left arm.

See also exist in many series on MTV, is a cable channel:

1.”Skins”: “Skins follows a diverse group of Bristol 17 years and their hedonistic lives. Each episode does focus on one of these teens at a time. This will show your different profiles: the gay guys, the anorexic girl, the spoiled, etc.., Etc. And so he sees confronting the frustrations of being about to enter the world of adulthood, but lejor still there. The group leader is Tony Stoneman (played by Nicholas Hoult, the same as "About A Boy", but now he looks much more grown-up), a quite rude and narcissistic young reader of Nietzsche and Sastre, who uses her charisma and intellect to try to dominate everything around them and, basically, to be always good standing at the various situations that arise. They are 9 episodes.” (

2. “Scream Queens”: Are 10 women competing for a role in a horror movie, is very funny.

Well, I have more favorite series, but I think I've become addicted to television and that's bad, I changed literature by TV series, is crazy!!!!!


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