My Blogging Experience

My blogging Experience

I never had a blog, the truth is that I had no time to have one, and only use my email and the Web to find information.

Almost all my friends have a blog, upload photos and share their music, literature, movies, books, magazines, etc.
Even literary blogs have some favourites, and is called Descontexto some former colleagues of Hispanic Literature at the University of Chile, is a very interesting blog, here is the address:

My blogging experience has been enjoyable and interesting at the same time, because I had to write, which I love performing on different themes. I enjoyed back issues pending in the area of literature, besides giving my personal opinion, which I appreciate very much.
He was trained, because we changed the methodology of study of English, often differ a little better.

Sometimes I despair a little, because my mind is closed and I did not know what to write, but then grabbed the pace and could not stop.
Another thing I liked was being able to upload images, photographs,
films and my favourite authors.

The only thing wrong was that sometimes wound up the blog in class, then had to finish it at home and I'm very difficult, because in addition to student and worker, I am housewife and mother.
Besides sometimes did not pay the telephone bill and my internet cut off and then had to take the computers from the university and sometimes they were all occupied.
But sometimes we could go to my brother and gave me his computer, and could send my work.
Still I like to have a blog; also the name that I gave was in tribute of my favourite novels of the day "Twilight."

In relation to English language learning, I must confess that through the blogs I could learn a bit more. That is super hard for me to learn English because he had never before studied; only he had studied Latin and French.

Kisses and hugs

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